[ITP: Hypercinema] Characters in AR

Group members: Olive Yu and Manan Gandhi. You can see my previous blog post here.

From Adobe After Effects into Adobe Aero

Now that the animations were done we could think about getting them into Aero. To do that, you need to render the animation as a PNG image sequence with the RGB + alpha channels enabled so that it’s on a transparent background. This will export as a folder with a bunch of png images.

Those folders need to be zipped up and transferred into your phone’s Aero files folder. In Aero you can place your character on top of a surface and “play images” (the animation) on a given trigger. Below are some simple tests:

Below is the design tree I wanted cross walk man to follow in our AR app but it wouldn’t prove to so simple. The three animations are separate and there’s no way to change animations on a given trigger. So you have to populate the AR app with all three animations and show/hide them at the right trigger points which is kind of buggy.

With that in mind, this is what the state machine actually becomes. It’s much more complex!

Working within Aero on my iPhone proved to be kind of difficult. It was kind of difficult placing the animations in space and lining them up was never perfect. The stack up would look different in different environments/scales. Also when previewing the app, the walking animation would regularly bug out. Below is the sequence I ended up with for the app.

Finishing Touches

Lastly, I added in the sound that the NYC crosswalk signals make. I wanted to make the crosswalk man move in space as the walking animation was playing but I wasn’t quite sure if I should do that in After Effects or in Aero.

Field testing it was funny. I felt kinda awkward setting up Aero scenes in public, I didn’t want people thinking I was trying to film them or something. The table-top app didn’t translate super well to the real world or on the street.

table top app didn’t translate super well to real-world, on the street

aero didn’t want to grab onto the horixontal surface of the cross walk sign. doctored the video in after effects

Final Product

Here’s a link to the final app. I also created this little composition with my animations in Aero to depict a possible day in the life of the cross walk man. All the scenes were recorded in Aero but the it didn’t recognize the horizontal surface of the sign itself, so I did doctor that clip in After Effects. Ta da!